Our South America Adventure Begins

Day one of our six week trip began beautifully.  Elad and Zev woke up without complaint, dressed themselves on their own, and calmly ate breakfast.  Then they played nicely together as Janette and I made final preparations for our departure to Florida, our first destination.  It was an unexpected but  welcome treat.

This last week was stressful for everyone as we scrambled to pack everything we need for an extended trip through diverse climates while also wrapping up work responsibilities.   All week the boyz were noticibly excited and excitiable.  Who could blame them?  They recognize that the trip ahead of them will be full of all the things they love; Spending time with family, exploring new places, experiencing new activities, and of course playing on their Kindles in transit.

Our itinerary starts with a week in Florida with Janette’s family to celebrate the New Year and visit the Keys.  We then head to Panama City where Janette’s Aunt and Cousins live.  These first two weeks are mostly unplanned relaxation and quality time with family.  Hopefully the boyz will practice their Spanish too.  They will need it for the rest of the trip when we head to Peru, Chile and Argentina.

Our plan is to post pictures and stories of our adventure here on this blog.  Feel free to post comments or say hi.


Skluge said…
Good luck! See you next year.