Adventures in Alaska

After the Engagement brunch, Joran and I spent another week in Alaska. We went fishing in the Kenai for King Salmon, but I only caught a tiny trout =(. However, Joran's dad caught a beautiful 22lb salmon that was yummy good. Here are pictures of the fishing trip:

Seward, Alaska
After fishing Joran and I took the RV and went to Seward, AK. I think Seward is absolutely beautiful. Joran kept repeating how he likes that the mountains look as if they have risen from the water. The whole town is surrounded by huge mountains, some still had snow on the top, others were completely green. We saw tons of halibut fishing boats, and on our glacier tour we saw plenty of wildlife. Check it out below:

Exit Glacier
Seward was absolutely amazing...we camped out in an RV/Camper lot (it was my first time in an RV) for the night. The next day we went to Exit glacier and hiked to the Harding icefield which is suppose to be this huge block of ice about half the size of Rhode Island. Unfortuantely, it was too foggy for us to see the icefield once we got to the top (about 3,000 feet, 3.8 miles, 2 blisters, and a few black bears later). But, we met some nice people climbing up and got to slide down the ice during one portion of the descend. It was an awesome hike!

Here are more pictures. There is one of Joran at the very top! It looks cold, but it wasn't too was just the fog. Then there is a picture of me sliding down some ice with a few people we met at the trail. Enjoy the pictures!

Skilak Lake- Caribou Island

Following our looooong, but rewarding hike, Joran and I headed to Caribou Island. The only way to get there is by boat. So, we got to Skilak lake, and Joran's parents picked us up in his boat to take us to PARADISE. What a great island it is...

At the cabin we had a lot to do! Joran and I built a flower house for lilac plants, and we also started digging a new outhouse. We also rescued a drowning duck...but, don't worry, he wasn't really drowing, he was a plastic duck. Still, he needed to be rescued so we took the kayak for a spin. Of course, a cabin trip is not complete without some smores....yummmy! SMORES!


Jeff D said…
Joran and Janette,

Hope all is well on the path to marriage. Japan is great, very little homesickness except for missing my wife, but she'll be here to visit in the not-to-distant future.

Just wanted to drop a line and say hi!

Unknown said…
Hi! It was great to watch the slideshow of your Caribou Island Trip! It brought back great memories. My husband Sam and I use to live in the cabin in the pictures! We built it in 1983! Lot's of wonderful adventures and memories! It's good to see that you and your family are enjoying it as well.
Sam & Bonnie Ward